Please show your commitment to our community through a gift which will help us continue to grow and flourish.
The recommended monthly donation for those who can afford it is $100 per person.

Community Supporter

Support Jewish life in Harlem with a donation of up to $36 each month!

Make a Monthly $18 Donation

Make a Monthly $36 Donation

Community Sustainer

Become a community sustainer by donating up to $100 each month to keep our community going!

Make a Monthly $54 Donation

Make a Monthly $72 Donation

Make a Monthly $100 Donation
Community Builder

Build our community in Harlem with a monthly gift of up to $360!

Make a Monthly $180 Donation

Make a Monthly $250 Donation

Make a Monthly 360 Donation
Community Sponsor

Sponsor all of the work we are doing in Harlem with a gift of $500 per month or more!

Make a Monthly $500 Donation

Make a Monthly $750 Donation

Make a Monthly $1000 Donation
Click Here to Make a One Time Gift